Bill Ascol: A Reformed Lion in a Woke Circus

Stepping into the arena of modern theology can feel like walking into a circus where clowns dressed as intellectuals perform their woke routine. Enter Bill Ascol, a man who embodies the spirit of the Reformed tradition, wielding his theological acumen like a sharp sword against the absurdities of contemporary culture.

But who is Bill Ascol? Let’s dive into the life and impact of this based theologian who refuses to conform to the madness of the modern world.

Who is Bill Ascol?

Bill Ascol is not just a name passing by in the fog of theological mediocrity; he’s a beacon of Reformed theological integrity amidst the cultural decay. A senior pastor at Bethel Baptist Church in Owasso, Oklahoma, Ascol stands as a towering figure in the Reformed Baptist community. His strict adherence to scriptural truths and a staunch opposition to theological drift makes him a bastion of based values.

Reformed Warrior

If there ever were a gladiator in the coliseum of modern theology, it would be Ascol. His writings and preachings are drenched in Reformed theology, upholding the doctrines that have withstood the test of time. Unlike the Big Eva squishes who pander to cultural elites, Ascol remains unwavering, imitating the Apostle Paul's determination against false teachings. You won't catch him diluting the gospel to fit the latest trendy social justice narrative. Nope, he's too busy defending the sovereignty of God and the authority of Scripture.

Truth Over Feelings

Emotions are the new gods of our time, demanding worship at every corner. From victimhood to virtue signaling, feelings reign supreme. But Ascol, the based theologian, stands firm, prioritizing truth over ephemeral feelings. He echoes Christ's words, “and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). Ascol exposes the heresy of modern empathy that compromises divine truth for the sake of humanistic sentimentality.

The Demolition of Woke Ideology

One of Ascol’s most commendable traits is his merciless takedown of woke ideology. Whether addressing the fallacies of critical race theory or the insanity of gender fluidity, Ascol dismantles these modern golden calves with the precision of a surgeon. He has no time for the left’s victimhood complex or their attempts to redefine sin. For him, sin remains sin, no matter how much lipstick the left tries to put on the pig.

Advocate for Traditional Values

In an age where traditional gender roles are under siege, Ascol is a stalwart defender of biblical manhood and womanhood. His commitment to upholding marriage as a sacred union between one man and one woman echoes Genesis 2:24 – “a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” Ascol understands that the breakdown of traditional family structures is at the heart of our cultural chaos.

A Based Critique of the Left

Few do it better than Ascol when it comes to a theological critique of the left. Understanding that liberalism in any form – modern, classical, you name it – is a threat to Christian values, Ascol dissects their ideologies with a fine scalpel. He firmly rejects the Democratic Party, recognizing it as a wolf in sheep’s clothing, peddling policies that are fundamentally opposed to biblical teachings. His critique of libertarians, while acknowledging their radical individualism, is always rooted in the need for a well-ordered society based on Christian principles.

A Call to Action

In the spirit of Ascol, we must embrace our roles in this culture war. Stand firm, arm yourselves with Scriptural truth, and reject the seductive whispers of woke ideologies. Don’t let the clowns dictate the circus. Instead, let us be the lion tamers, fiercely defending the glorious truths of our faith. Join us in this battle, not as mere spectators but as active warriors for Christ.

In conclusion, Bill Ascol is the epitome of a based theologian. His unyielding stance on scriptural truth and tireless efforts in combating the rising tide of wokeness makes him not just an asset but a necessity in today’s theological landscape. Stand with Ascol, and let’s reclaim the faith from the clutches of modern madness.